Gold Coast Specialist Pressure Cleaning
A major benefit of using our Gold Coast Pressure Cleaning Services is that we offer a 24-7 Pressure Cleaning Service.
If you have a problem, you want it fixed NOW!
There are many businesses where standard working hours … just don’t work. These include:
Government Buildings
Schools, Pre-School and Kindy
Restaurants, Cafes, and other food storage, preparation and service areas
Car Park Cleaning
Hotels, Motels and other Accommodation areas
Local Councils
Shopping Centre Cleaning and Shop Fronts
Graffiti Removal
Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Squash Courts and other Sporting Facilities
Hospitals, including hospital kitchens
Cold stores and food processing plants
Public Swimming Pools
Workshop Floors
Boat Ramps
Warehouse floors
And more
We can work on these when YOU want, thanks to our 24-7 pressure cleaner service
Car Parks are a particular problem. Usually occupied during the day, they collect grease and oil stains and quickly become unsightly. They also become hazardous, and paying us is a drop in the ocean compared to a shopper slipping on an oil patch. Oil and grease also degrade your concrete if left untreated for any length of time. Since this is an ongoing problem, why not ring me now on 0458 959 594 and see if you can negotiate a long term contract?
Similar comments apply to Petrol Stations, but of course the damage to your property is even worse and so are the potential hazards.
Shopping Centres are another client that can benefit from our services. With many Shopping Centres operating extended hours, we can work with you to keep your Shopping Centre in pristine condition. With the major investment involved in a Shopping Centre, regular maintenance is essential to maintaining the value of your asset.
Similarly, schools and school grounds – and also graffiti removal – need a specialist 24-7 Pressure Cleaning Service to take care of their needs. In addition, doing pressure cleaning out of hours minimizes OH&S risks. We can provide an ongoing maintenance program that is tailored to your requirements and provides minimal disruption to staff and students.
Many Government buildings and services also need a 24-7 Service. This can include Government Offices, Courthouses that need to remain fully operational during public houses. This can be difficult with things like public playgrounds that may be used 18 hours a day – that’s when our 24-7 Pressure Cleaning Service comes to the front.
With some Government services operating 24-7, for example hospitals, even our specialist 24-7 Pressure Cleaning Service needs to be flexible and work with the organisation concerned.
For Restaurants, Cafes, and other food storage, preparation and service areas, cleanliness and hygiene are fundamental to their being allowed to operate; same goes for Hotels and Motels – Contact Mitch – the pressure cleaning man – on 0458 959 594 for the best Gold Coast Pressure Cleaning Services.
Our pressure cleaning prices are very affordable, without compromising quality.